Because life is about making time to play in the rain...


Because life is about making time to play in the rain...

Because some of the best decisions defy logic...

Because sometimes it just feels right...

After much thought, I’ve decided not to renew my contract at CBS3.

There’s no drama, no back story. I just want to be able to eat dinner with my husband and tuck my babies into bed. 


I’ve spent ten-plus years living out one of my childhood dreams, through hard work and sacrifice, extraordinary highs and yes, some lows. 

I wouldn’t change any of it. 

But, now I crave freedom and balance. And with the love and support of my family, I'm moving on to a new adventure that will allow me to work part time and in turn, spend more time with the ones I love. 

The station has been very respectful of my decision, allowing me to spend my final two weeks at the anchor desk. 

Tomorrow, I will sign off for the last time. 

But, first... I’d like to thank all of you.

For the privilege of allowing me to champion your causes and tell your stories, for welcoming me into your homes and making me part of your routines. For accepting me and (at times) defending me. 

I will always be honored to have been part of the CBS family and consider each one of you an integral part of that. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. 

With love, 

Nicole Economy